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Proven Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bill

Proven Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bills

If you’re looking to cut energy costs in your home, there are many things that you can do. From installing a programmable thermostat to upgrading appliances, there are numerous ways to reduce energy bills. But if you’re not using energy wisely, you may be wasting money by purchasing energy-efficient products that aren’t working for your home. In this blog, we will talk about ways to reduce energy bills and save money.

Switch off standby

A common way to reduce electricity bills is by switching off appliances when not in use. This can save you up to £65 a year, according to energy saving website Turning appliances off at the wall can reduce usage of electricity by up to 50 per cent, and this can help you save money on your energy bill.

Another way to reduce electricity usage is by unplugging battery chargers when the device is fully charged or when the charger is not in use. This simple step can help save up to 37 Watts of electricity every month. You should also avoid leaving gadgets on standby such as older appliances, which need more care and attention. Instead, use standby savers or smart plugs for all your appliances, which can turn them all off in one go.

Lastly, you should consider investing in a broadband router and a printer with a standby function for long-term savings.

By following these easy tips, you can easily save money on your energy bills without much effort.

Draught-proof windows and doors

Draught-proofing your windows, doors and other openings in your home can reduce your energy bills by up to £125 a year. It involves taking steps to reduce air flow into and out of these areas, which in turn helps to reduce the energy consumption.

One effective step is to invest in a door seal and letterbox draught excluder for each door frame or letterbox. This will ensure that the edges of the door frame or letterbox are less prone to air flow, which will help to reduce energy consumption.

£40 worth of draught-proofing materials can also save you money on energy bills. These include flexible seals, foam insulation and weatherboarding. The materials work by preventing air from passing through the openings.

Another way of saving money on energy bills is to block gaps around windows, doors, chimneys and floors with insulation tape or fleece. This will prevent heat loss and result in savings of up to £40 per room.

The most effective method for reducing energy usage is a thorough inspection of your windows for damage such as cracked seals, moisture or mould between the window frame and the wall.

Review your energy bill for small savings

To save energy and money, it is important to carefully monitor energy usage and find ways to reduce it. Switching energy providers may not be the most cost-efficient option at the moment due to unit rates being frozen at around 34p per kWh for electricity and 10.3p per kWh for gas. You can also use paperless bills to monitor your energy usage and budget better. This helps you avoid potential overcharges as you are able to view your usage in detail online.

Additionally, paying by direct debit can be the cheapest way to pay for energy usage rather than paying once you’ve received your bill. To make sure you get the best deal on energy, it's a good idea to question any direct debit increases that seem too high as your energy company should be able to explain the changes and usage.

Avoid the tumble dryer

There are a number of simple energy saving tips you can follow to reduce your energy bills. One of the most effective ways of saving energy is to avoid using a tumble dryer. Instead, use a clothes horse or washing line on warm and dry days instead of a tumble dryer to save money on energy costs.

Another way to save energy is to replace old dryers with newer, Energy Star-certified models. These appliances use less electricity and also improve air quality by reducing the use of chemicals in the drying process. Another way to save energy is to separate heavy and light clothes when using a dryer. This can help prevent garments from becoming damaged during the drying process and also reduces the amount of energy used when drying items. Lastly, it's important to dry clothing quickly on hot settings rather than leaving them in the dryer for long periods of time. This will help save energy and also ensure that clothing is sufficiently dry.

Clean the Dryer Duct

-Clean the lint screen after every load and the dryer duct once a year to reduce energy bills.

This will help prevent air and water from being trapped in the dryer, which can lead to energy waste and higher energy bills. Additionally, by cleaning the dryer duct regularly, you’ll ensure that your dryer is working efficiently and effectively. Sealing up the dryer ducts can also help prevent heated or cooled air from escaping, making your furnace or air conditioner run more efficiently. This will result in energy savings of up to 15 percent.

-Also, consider using the air-dry option on your dishwasher to reduce energy usage by 15 percent to 50 percent. Using a washing machine costs approximately €0.55 per single use, so by choosing less energy-intensive options when washing your dishes, you can save money and emissions without sacrificing quality. Finally, a dirty lint screen can cause your dryer to use up to 30 percent more electricity, costing up to €25 per year. By keeping your dryer and laundry area clean and free of debris, you can save money and energy without having to sacrifice either quality or convenience.

Add insulation

Installing insulation in your home can help you save money on energy bills. The most common type of insulation is fiberglass, which is affordable and effective at reducing heat loss. Depending on the insulation material, it can be easy to install yourself or require the assistance of a professional. You can also consider insulation such as spray foam or blown-in insulation, which are more expensive but offer better energy efficiency and durability. When choosing insulation materials, look for ones that are certified energy efficient and make sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for installation. You can find a trusted installer for cavity wall insulation through TrustMark. This will ensure that your home is properly insulated and sustainable.

Buying new energy efficient appliances

Consumer Reports' research shows that by switching appliances to energy-efficient models, homeowners can save money each year on energy bills. The organization suggests replacing old appliances with newer models that are energy efficient, including washing machines and dishwashers.

Washing machines with the Energy Star label use 25 percent less energy and up to 75 percent less water than machines from 20 years ago. This provides cost savings for laundry costs and the environment. Also, it's important to look for appliances with a high energy rating from a trusted authority like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This will provide consumers with a better idea of how energy efficient the appliance is.

Also, it's important to consider any subsidies offered by your government or utility company when purchasing an appliance. These may include rebates or incentives for upgrading your appliances to energy-efficient models. In addition, consumers can use energy ratings websites to compare models and determine which ones are most energy efficient for their needs

Fill your dishwasher

An energy-efficient dishwasher can save you money and water by reducing your energy bill and the environmental costs of washing dishes by hand. Running your dishwasher only when it is full can help reduce energy use and costs. You can also consider washing dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher. This can lead to an annual expense of approximately $40 in utility costs, which could be offset by savings on water usage and other expenses.

Reducing dishwasher usage by one run per week can save you around £17 in energy costs. If you have access to an energy-efficient dishwasher, you could make significant savings on your energy bill. The Energy Star-qualified dishwashes available today use less water and electricity than older models, while providing superior cleaning performance. They also come with several features, such as optional racks and safety features, that could make your dishwashing experience more enjoyable. One of these features is a delay start function that allows you to set the dishwasher to start at a certain time or upon a specific signal from the outside world. This could help you save energy and water resources.

Use less hot water

There are a number of simple energy-saving tips you can follow to save money and energy on your household bill. These include using energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and other forms of energy consumption. You can also consider replacing old showerheads with water-saving models. These showers use less water and energy than standard showers, thereby saving you money in utility costs.

Another way to reduce energy consumption is to take shorter showers instead of baths or washing long hair in hot water. By doing so, you can save up to five gallons of water per day. Additionally, you can use warm or cold water for laundry instead of hot water, which also cuts water usage by half. Overall, these simple steps will help you save money and energy while reducing your carbon footprint.

Use a Water Heater Timer

- Installing a water heater timer can help save energy and money

- Lowering the temperature of the water heater to the warm setting (120°F) will also help reduce energy costs

- Using smart thermostats and exhaust fan timers for better climate control and energy efficiency can also help save energy and money

- Schedule regular maintenance of heating and cooling equipment and change furnace air filter every 3 months

- Lastly, it's important to monitor your energy usage, including the water used by your household appliances, to ensure that you are using energy efficiently.

Find out if you could get energy efficiency grants or extra benefits

- The NSW Government and some local councils offer energy efficiency grants, rebates, and other energy efficiency benefits to households and businesses. If you're interested in receiving these incentives, it's important to check the eligibility criteria and the terms of the offer.

- Some energy retailers offer energy savings buckets or salary packaging, which can reduce your energy bill by making your electricity or gas usage more efficient. To find out more about these offers, contact your energy retailer or visit the website of your energy provider.

- Homeowners in the US can save money by following tips on how to use electricity and gas efficiently. These tips include turning off appliances when not using them, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and making small adjustments to your heating and cooling systems.

- In Australia, the Department of Energy provides tips on how to use energy efficiently. These tips include using energy-efficient appliances, turning off appliances when not use them, and maintaining a healthy environment for yourself and your family.

Financial support for home energy efficiency

You can make your home more energy efficient by taking steps such as turning off appliances when not in use, insulating homes and heating systems, and installing energy-efficient lighting and appliances. There are also a number of grants and financial support schemes available to help make your home more energy efficient, typically costing between £10 and £150. The SEAI offers a range of home energy upgrade grants covering up to 50% of the cost, with some grants covering up to 80%.

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme may provide funding for low-income households or those claiming benefits for energy-efficient changes to their home, such as roof and wall insulation and boiler repair. If you're eligible, you could receive grants of up to £5,000 for eligible energy efficiency projects, such as replacing old electric heating systems with water heating or installing solar water heating panels on your home. These measures could save you up to £250 per year on your energy bill.

Energy-saving apps

There are many energy-saving apps available to help you understand your energy usage and make smart decisions on energy usage. The most popular ones among users are Nest, Hive, Energy Star, and Energy Cost Calculator. These apps can help people monitor their energy usage and make informed decisions on energy efficiency. They provide home with tailored insights on electricity consumption, saving money and emissions.

A smart thermostat such as Hive or Nest also offers innovative energy saving features. It allows users to adjust the temperature settings manually or automatically according to their preferences from anywhere. This feature makes it easy for people to save energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

The Energy Cost Calculator app provides a better understanding of how much energy products use. It shows you the costs of your electricity consumption broken down by source (e.g., solar panels), consumption type (e.g., air conditioner), and usage type (e.g., laundry). This helps users identify areas for cost savings and plan their energy usage more efficiently. Besides, there are grants available to help finance smart heating controls such as thermostats that are programmable from a smartphone. Lastly, solar PV systems start at around $3500 for a basic installation with a payback period of 3-5 years. Thus, it is possible for everyone to make a step in the right direction and save energy without much difficulty

Use a smart plug

-Installing a smart plug such as the TP-Link Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Plug Mini can help you reduce energy bills by automatically turning off electronics and appliances when not in use.

- Smart meters provide near real-time information about energy usage and can help you track spending and save money on bills.

- LED bulbs use up to 75% less energy than incandescent lighting, making them a great energy-saving option. They also last longer and don't need to be replaced as often, which can help you save money on electricity costs.

- Besides using less energy, smart devices such as smart thermostats, home security systems, and even washing machines are all designed to use less electricity while still providing the same level of functionality and efficiency as their traditional counterparts.

- By implementing these easy tips and technologies, you can significantly reduce your energy bill without much effort.

Smart thermostats

- Smart thermostat

The smart thermostat can allow you to control your heating remotely using your phone, tablet or computer. With a smart thermostat, you can adjust the temperature of your house from anywhere, saving time and money on your energy bill.

- Smart thermostats and heating controls

You can use smart thermostats to reduce energy consumption during the warmer months and save money during the winter months. They can also provide greater flexibility and control over your energy usage than conventional heating controls. However, smart thermostats require investment in technology and infrastructure for monitoring and controlling electrical appliances. Thus, their use cannot be guaranteed to save money for everyone.

- Installing smart thermostats could save you up to £60 a year.

Whether a smart thermostat could save you money depends on your lifestyle and how efficiently you already control your heating. If you use energy wisely and have a functional heating system, installing a smart thermostat may not help much in saving money.

Check your thermostat location

If you want to reduce your energy bills, there are a few simple and efficient steps you can take to ensure your thermostat is accurate and properly installed. First, you should ensure that your thermostat is located in a room that is representative of the climate in the rest of your home. This will help the thermostat accurately regulate the temperature of that room and prevent it from becoming too hot or too cold. Additionally, make sure that the thermostat isn't placed in direct sunlight, near a window, or other areas that can interfere with its accuracy. Finally, set the thermostat between 60-65 degrees Celsius to avoid over-heating your hot water. By taking these simple steps, you can reduce your energy bills and save money on your heating bill.

Install a programmable thermostat

- Thermostats can help you save energy by automatically adjusting the temperature of your home when it is most comfortable.

- Smart thermostat is a device that allows you to adjust the temperature of your home remotely via a mobile phone, tablet, or computer. This allows you to adjust the temperature of your home to save energy and money.

- With a smart thermostat, you can control the temperature in your home with just a few clicks on your device's screen, helping you save energy and money.

- Another option for reducing energy usage is using a thermostatic radiator valve. These valves allow you to regulate the temperature inside rooms without turning on or off the air conditioner, which is an energy-efficient way to maintain a constant temperature.

- Lastly, using a smart meter can help you measure how much electricity and gas you use. This will give you an idea of whether or not your usage is reasonable and help you reduce energy costs. Besides, regular maintenance of your heating and cooling equipment and changing your furnace air filter every three months will ensure that your equipment runs efficiently and saves energy.

Upgrade your laundry room

A few simple energy-saving tips can help you save money on your energy bill and reduce your carbon footprint. If you have a washing machine, consider upgrading to an Energy Star-rated model. These washing machines are capable of saving up to $190 per year on energy costs compared to a regular machine. They also use less water, so they use less water and energy to complete a wash cycle. Additionally, use cold water when possible for optimal efficiency. This will save you money by using less energy and water to complete your laundry tasks. Additionally, unplug electronics when not in use. By doing this, you can save an estimated $25.73 per year on electricity usage. Finally, wash dishes by hand as much as possible. Doing so can save up to $145 per year on laundry expenses. By following these simple energy-saving tips, you can start saving money and the environment today.

Old dryers waste energy, too

-Energy Star-certized dryers use less energy and money and are a great way to save energy and money on your energy bill. Here are a few tips for using energy-efficient dryers:

-Always use the lowest temperature possible for your laundry detergent and water. Using hot water and warm laundry detergent can reduce energy usage by up to 20%.

-Make sure your lint screen is clean and free of debris to ensure proper airflow. This will help your dryer run efficiently.

-Keep your dryer ducts free of dirt or ash to prevent blocked air openings and increase the efficiency of your dryer.

-Turn off the dryer when it’s done so that no energy is wasted heating up the house unnecessarily. Also, don’t forget to clean out lint screens and dryer ducts regularly to keep your dryer running at its peak efficiency.

As you can see, simple energy-saving measures can go a long way in reducing your energy bills.

Cover Air Conditioners

- Using removable caulk and an air conditioner cover can help keep a room cool. This is a simple step that can help reduce energy costs and carbon emissions.

- A central air conditioner unit can be covered to save energy and money. This is a practical way to protect the unit from rain, sunlight, and other environmental factors. In addition, covers provide insulation and protection for the unit, which helps it run more efficiently.

- There are many ways to use less energy when it's hot outside. Turning down the temperature on radiator valves and removing dust from radiators can help maximize the efficiency of radiators. Also, bleeding radiators twice a year can ensure they are running at their peak efficiency and avoid cold spots. By taking these steps, you can save money and energy while staying comfortable during hot weather

Patch Up Air Leaks Outside

You can reduce energy bills by plugging up air leaks outside. This includes patching up holes behind air conditioner compressors or heat exchangers, sealing gaps around leaky doors and windows, and using a 1-1/2-inch rubber plumbing boot over gaps in the roof.

You can also reduce energy usage by making sure your home is well-insulated, insulating your attic and basement, installing a solar water heating system, and using energy efficient appliances. Also, consider reducing your electricity usage during hot weather by closing your blinds and curtains and turning off appliances when not in use.

Besides these measures, you can also use natural sunlight whenever possible instead of electricity to save energy.

That way, you can save money and the environment at the same time.

Wrap Pipes With Insulation

To reduce energy costs, homeowners can take several steps to insulate hot water pipes within three feet of the water heater. The most common insulation method is reflective foil insulation, also known as bubble-pack insulation. This insulation method consists of reflective foil and a foam layer. The reflective foil reflects heat from hot water pipes back into the water, keeping the pipes from heating up too much and saving energy.

Another insulation method is cavity wall insulation. Cavity wall insulation is a type of closed-cell spray insulation that is sprayed on walls. It’s an effective way to insulate hot water pipes and can save money on energy bills. However, it requires special home renovations, such as installing insulation in attic cavities or around water heaters, so it doesn’t cost more than other insulation methods.

Another option is air barrier insulation. This type of insulation involves spraying a layer of reflective material over hot water pipes or other cold surfaces to reflect the sun’s rays away from them and save energy. To help extend the life of your roof and keep your home cooler, consider installing radiant barriers on the underside of decking. They provide additional energy efficiency throughout your home and can save you up to £395 per year on energy costs with minimal environmental impact.

Can I save money by using less energy at peak times?

As the cost of energy continues to rise, many households are turning to energy saving measures as a way to lower their energy bills. However, it’s important to note that using less energy at peak times can have a significant impact on your electricity bill.

For example, if you use energy-efficient appliances and gadgets during peak hours of usage, it can result in significant savings. Switching to LED bulbs and fixtures uses up to 80% less electricity than incandescent lighting. This can save you money on your energy bill. Similarly, turning off unnecessary lights and unplugging unused electronics can also help you save money. Another way to reduce energy consumption is to adjust your habits accordingly as the seasons change. For instance, using air conditioner in the summer could help you save money on your energy bill.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cheapest way to pay your energy bills?

There are a few ways to reduce your energy bills without having to take on any extra debt.

The Energy Price Guarantee could be the cheapest rate available for those whose fixed deal has come to an end. This guarantee ensures that no customer who is on a fixed-term energy deal will see their energy bills increase in the next two years.

Shutting off lights when leaving a room and not setting the air conditioner at a very low temperature can also help you save energy. Additionally, you may want to consider installing energy-efficient appliances, insulation and windows.

Lastly, the government has announced plans to extend its freeze on energy bills until 2024. This means that energy rates will not increase by more than 20% in the next two years.

What are the best ways to save energy and reduce bills?

There are many ways that you can reduce your energy bill, and some of the most common include adjusting your energy consumption habits to accommodate seasonal changes, shutting off lights when leaving a room, making your home more energy efficient, and focusing on reducing water and light usage.

Additionally, investing in smart technology can help automate energy savings for you by regulating appliances and devices in your home. This can help save you time and money in the long run.


Whether it is for your health, sustainability, or security, energy usage is an essential part of modern life. A reduction in energy usage can improve our quality of life and make living more sustainable so upgrade your tech. The above-mentioned tips are proven ways to reduce energy usage and energy bills. You can try them to see the difference for yourself. We hope you find them helpful. Remember to share this blog with friends and family who could benefit from these practical tips!

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