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In this Blogpost, I will be revealing a step-by-step
tutorial on how to make money with Shopify. Complete beginners are earning $100
to $700 a day with no prior experience. Welcome to this Blogpost. We literally
had a 62-year-old woman go from zero
to $160,000 in 90 days, so check it out now.

How To Make Money With Shopify in 2023 (Step by Step)

I get it when most people start making money online; they
have all these fears, like not understanding it, not having the time, money, or
experience. Yet, they're YouTubing how
to make money online
, and they see all these 16-year-olds, 70-year-olds, or
18-year-olds making millions of dollars with Shopify in just 10 minutes. But
before that, they see that and think, "Well, that can never be me."
Comparing themselves to others, they almost prevent themselves from getting

This was my biggest problem when I was first getting started
because, before I actually made money with Shopify, before I went from zero to
$5,000 in 30 days, to $1.6 million in that first year in Shopify, I was just
like you, on the other side of this channel, looking at Blogposts, seeing
successful people, being stuck in a cubicle that I didn't like, wearing my
scrubs, working for someone I didn't actually enjoy working for, wondering how
the heck I was going to make this happen.

If you want to make money with Shopify, I didn't care about
making millions. I just thought,

"Okay, if I can
make $100 a day profit
, that would at least free up my time, build up my
belief, and then go to the next level."

The biggest problem when people start with Shopify is they
already see all these big numbers from other people, but they fail to realize
that the ultimate goal when you first get started is just to hit $100 a day.

Then we can talk about all the other things later on. But
until you hit $100 a day, nothing else matters.

That's why in today's Blogpost, I'm going to tell you
exactly what I did to make $100 a day profit. Not only that, but I will also tell
you how I scaled past $1.6 million in that first year with Shopify.

I learned a bunch of things, and there are a lot of things
that I did wrong.

You have to decide if you want to make the same mistakes I
did or choose to learn from my mistakes, hit your first $100 a day, and then
move forward from there. Does that make sense?

Let's begin where it all began because, like I said, I
didn't understand many things. My background was biology, chemistry, math,
science; I'm Asian, look at me, right? I had to figure out how to do the
Shopify thing. Now, let me tell you what not to do. I thought I had to read all
these books, go to all these events, and learn how to create a Shopify store
because I'm not that tech-savvy. But little did"

I know, it's really not that complicated. The moment you
sign up for Shopify, for example, you could have a done-for-you website in the
next 30 minutes.

So, it's not complicated at all. They have all these themes
and all these things like that. And the way that I'm going to share with you on
exactly how to build a Shopify business is precisely what you can do right now.

You can literally grab any one of these themes and get
started within the next 30 minutes. The moment you actually go ahead and create
your Shopify store, you don't need the expensive account, you just need like
the basic, regular pro version of Shopify.

The next thing that you want to do, what I did is, I needed
to go find a winning product, okay? So, I have my website, and it's all nice
and beautiful, why? Because I didn't do anything to it because they have all
these done-for-you themes right here.

The second thing that I needed to do is I started realizing,
okay, well, if I wanted to sell something online, I should probably sell
something that's already working. Does that make sense? Because if you
literally go ahead and try to throw something up there, right, and have no idea
if it's going to sell or not, you can either lose a lot of money, a lot of time
or lots of mental bandwidth.

So, I wanted to go save time, and I realized, okay, what is
already selling and what is a low-risk way? Because I didn't have money to go
ahead and get started to go ahead and make this happen.

So, this is what I found out, that I had to find what's
already selling on other platforms. So, one of the things that I did is I would
go, for example, to AliExpress and say if I wanted to come in here and sell
something in-home and let me go over here, there's bakeware, kitchen tools,
gadgets, accessories. Let me just do like bakeware.

If I want to go ahead and sell something bakeware on my
Shopify store, what I would do is I would click on a category right here, hit
orders because you know what people use AliExpress for a lot of these people on
Shopify use these as a supplier to go test which products to go ahead and sell,
and you could see that there are all these products that have a lot of orders
that people are using to go ahead and sell online, right?

This is one of the things that actually sold online in the
past, they did really well as well as like this, and you could see the amount
of orders that did well right here. Remember, you want to go from what is
already proven to work. Maybe later on you could create your product, you could
design it, but understand that takes a lot of money, and for me, I didn't have
that much money so I couldn't design and manufacture my product from China.

I had to sell something that was already existing. Does that
make sense? Another place that I looked at is like, for example,
because it shows the most popular products on eBay. Okay, so I would go ahead
and browse through all of these categories, now try finding some type of
product that has a bunch of watches and a bunch of people wanting it, meaning
demand, and

if I could supply that demand in a platform that hasn't been
supplied this product before, that is actually the secret to how I scaled,

The reason why you could see that it went so fast is that I
found a product that was actually very popular on Amazon.

Okay, I found a product that was very popular on Amazon, and
it had, like, 18,000 reviews or something ridiculous like that. Then I looked
at another platform, and I was like, 'No one's selling this product on this
platform.' So, I was like, 'Okay, well if it's working on Amazon, what if I
just sell it on this platform?' And I literally took what was working on one
platform, put it on another one, and then I was just so surprised when, lo and
behold, I put up the ad right here and within a couple of days, I got my first
hundred dollars a day. And I was like, 'Whoa, something happened here. What the
heck just happened?' And then it just started scaling, right?

So, at that point, what I ended up doing is, when I find a
product that works, I like doing one thing. I like buying one and just shipping
it over to my place because what I ended up doing was, I ended up hiring my
sister and her friends in college to go ahead and take pictures and videos of
this product to go ahead and sell it. Now, this is what turned into my, for
example, creatives. We're going to talk more about creatives later on, but
essentially, you need to create some type of creative, either via a social
channel or for an advertisement platform to go ahead and sell this product.

Now, I literally found ads that worked by going to this
thing known as the Facebook Ad Library. Literally, just Google it, and the
coolest thing about it is you can find any person and their ads, and all the
ads that they're running. You can see, for example, eCommerce business, and you
can see all the ads that they're using. So, what I literally instructed my
sister to do is, 'These are the ads that I want to create. Here's some money.
Go ahead and create these ads for this product.' And remember, I only bought
one product, right? And she went and created it. And the moment she created
those ads, what I ended up doing is, I then literally took those creatives,
those pictures, those videos, threw it on my Shopify store, and then I had to
begin selling.

Now, here's the biggest thing: when you go ahead and sell,
this is what's very interesting. Remember, you could pick a supplier. We used
AliExpress, and we used eBay. Like, for example, when we were using grill mats,
we had a place where we could go ahead and buy it if someone sold it. But I
didn't do it the opposite, where I bought it in bulk and then sold it. I first
sold it to see if I could actually make a sale. And then buy it. And the
multiple ways you could go ahead and do it are very simple. You've got to look
at what's already working. The main ones are like Facebook ads, YouTube ads,
and then influencer marketing. Those are really the main ones that people are
doing. I actually chose the Facebook route. Right now, we do a lot of YouTube
ads. And then right now, for beginners that are just getting started,
influencer marketing is one of the easiest, and I'll show you exactly how.

So, at that moment, we literally had this product, and it
goes all to this one product. And remember, of course, later on, you could go
ahead and build all these different traffic sources or visitors to your
website. But ideally, you want to begin with one. I started off with Facebook
because I found a mentor that was able to go ahead and teach me on Facebook.

Alot about people who were having success with it, but now a
lot of people are having success with YouTube ads. However, if you have no
money whatsoever, influencer marketing is one of the easiest ways to get

Essentially, what happened in my story is that I ended up
finding a product on AliExpress, for example, grill mats. I threw it on my
Shopify store and began selling it. What happened here is that it started
blowing up like crazy, and around Christmas, we ended up selling everything out
from all these suppliers.

I was kind of freaking out because I was making sales with
ads, but there were no suppliers on the back end. This blessing turned into a
blessing in disguise because I just went to eBay and started buying it from
there at a low cost.

The only difference from this and AliExpress was that it
shipped from the US instead of China. Just like that, I put 'buy two get free
shipping,' and people were buying two, three, four, five grill mats at $19 a

Then, I was able to just take the money, buy it from eBay,
and ship it directly to them. Does that make sense? Ultimately, when you sell a
lot from this eBay supplier, they're going to reach out to you and say,

Did you mean to buy all these?' I was buying 100 grill mats
a day, and I said, 'Yes, why?'

He said, 'When you buy from eBay, they actually charge us an
extra fee, so if you want to avoid that fee, you could just buy directly from

I was shocked, and they said, 'Yeah, you can do that. We
actually have a software, like Ship Station, which is connected to my Shopify

Whenever someone bought from my store, they would
automatically ship it, and it was all completely done for you and automated,
which is what you want to get to do because that's when you go from a Shopify
business to passive income.'

That explained the next entire year, but for people that are
just getting started, you could find a lot of products, and the hardest thing
is actually the marketing. 99% of your time will actually be spent on
marketing, not on how beautiful your website is because my website was plain,
and I just used the theme. An easy way to do marketing right now is literally
like what Fanjoy did.

If I go to creators and you can see that they literally go
to these creators and have them create content about their products, and then
they split the profit with them.

Why? Because if they can outsource the delivery and
marketing, they can create a money-making machine, and you can do this with any

For example, say I want to sell cat products, I could go to
YouTube, type in the word 'cat tips,' scroll down, and one of my biggest things
is to find someone that has a lot of views but very, very few subscribers
because that shows that it's like an undervalued resource and an undervalued

When you keep on going down, you'll see someone like Amia
Stone who has 700,000 views and 4,000 subscribers. If you went up to her and
said, 'Hey, I could create a bunch of products for you, and whatever you sell
from your channel, we'll split the profits,' they're not making money monetized
with their channel at all.

They have very few subscribers, but they enjoy making these
videos anyways because they love doing it.

This is also another way where, if you don't have a mentor
like I did or if you don't want to run paid advertising like I did, you can
look at what's already working and get started. But obviously, there are always
faster and easier ways to make money online.

Right now, the best way to make money online is through a
brand new opportunity that's happening this year. There are literally people in
our community, like stay-at-home mom Dina, who, at 47 years old, went from zero
to 30 grand a month in five to eight weeks.

If you want to know exactly what she did, step by step, and
what hundreds of other people did as well to get crazy life-changing results,
sign up for this week's free workshop below. Check out this video and this
podcast radio.


Is Shopify good in 2023?

As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time data to accurately predict the future of Shopify in 2023. However, based on its current status as one of the leading e-commerce platforms in the market, it's likely that Shopify will continue to be a good option for online businesses.

Shopify offers a user-friendly interface, a wide range of features and integrations, and customizable designs that allow businesses to create and manage their online stores easily. Additionally, Shopify is constantly updating its platform with new features, such as its recent introduction of the Shopify Checkout app, which makes the checkout process faster and more streamlined for customers.

However, like any platform, Shopify may not be the best fit for every business. Factors such as pricing, scalability, and specific needs of the business should be considered before making a decision. It's always recommended to do research and compare different e-commerce platforms to find the one that best suits your needs.

Is it still possible to make money on Shopify?

Yes, it is still possible to make money on Shopify in 2023. In fact, many businesses continue to use Shopify as their primary e-commerce platform and have achieved significant success.

Shopify offers a variety of tools and features that can help businesses generate revenue, such as customizable storefronts, payment gateways, shipping and fulfillment options, and integrations with various marketing channels. Additionally, Shopify provides extensive resources and support for merchants, including a dedicated app store with a wide range of add-ons and plugins to enhance functionality.

However, it's important to keep in mind that success on Shopify, or any e-commerce platform, depends on many factors, such as the quality of your products, your marketing strategies, pricing, and competition within your industry. Building a successful online store on Shopify requires effort, dedication, and a solid business plan.

In conclusion, while there is no guarantee of success on Shopify, with the right approach and execution, it is still possible to make money and grow a successful online business on the platform in 2023.

What is a realistic income for Shopify?

It's difficult to give a specific number for a realistic income on Shopify as it can vary greatly depending on factors such as the type of products being sold, the size and scale of the business, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Some businesses on Shopify have reported making hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in revenue annually, while others may only generate a few thousand dollars a year. The key to success on Shopify is to have a well-planned and executed business strategy, high-quality products, effective marketing campaigns, and a strong customer base.

It's important to keep in mind that running a successful online store takes time and effort. It's not uncommon for new businesses on Shopify to take several months or even years to reach profitability. Additionally, the costs associated with running a Shopify store, such as platform fees, marketing expenses, and inventory costs, can eat into profits.

Ultimately, the potential income on Shopify is determined by the business owner's effort, dedication, and ability to adapt to the ever-changing e-commerce landscape. With hard work and persistence, it's possible to build a profitable business on Shopify.

Is dropshipping successful in 2023?

Dropshipping can be a viable business model for some entrepreneurs, as it eliminates the need for holding inventory and reduces upfront costs. It also allows for greater flexibility in terms of the products that can be sold, as businesses are not limited by the need to purchase and store large amounts of inventory.

However, dropshipping can also be highly competitive, and profit margins can be slim due to the additional costs associated with dropshipping, such as shipping and handling fees. Additionally, finding reliable suppliers and managing inventory can be time-consuming and challenging.

The success of dropshipping in 2023 will depend on a variety of factors, such as the quality and uniqueness of the products being sold, the competition within the market, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Additionally, businesses that are able to adapt to changes in the e-commerce landscape, such as new technologies or changes in consumer behavior, may have a better chance of success.

Overall, dropshipping can still be a successful business model in 2023, but it requires effort, dedication, and a solid business plan.

What is the average Shopify monthly income?

There is no fixed or average monthly income for businesses on Shopify, as it can vary widely depending on a range of factors, such as the type of products being sold, the size and scale of the business, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Some businesses on Shopify have reported making hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in revenue annually, while others may only generate a few thousand dollars a year. The income on Shopify can be affected by various expenses, such as platform fees, marketing expenses, and inventory costs, which can reduce profits.

Moreover, the income on Shopify can fluctuate from month to month, depending on seasonal trends, holidays, and other external factors. For instance, businesses selling seasonal products may see a surge in sales during particular months, while other businesses may have a more consistent revenue stream throughout the year.

In conclusion, there is no fixed or average monthly income for businesses on Shopify, as it can depend on various factors, such as the quality of products, the size and scale of the business, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies. The income on Shopify can fluctuate from month to month, and it requires effort, dedication, and a solid business plan to generate a sustainable income.

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