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 Are you planning to write a
book and want an ebook cover that will grab the attention of your readers? If
yes, you are at the right place. 

Writing an ebook can be a daunting task for
many new authors. But fear not, we have got you covered. 

In this blog post,
we’ll talk about ebook creation apps and software that can help you create your
own book in the easiest way possible. 

Whether you are a newbie author or a
well-versed writer, these apps will make writing an ebook super easy.

To write an ebook, you need to get your ideas down on paper and form them into
words using standard English. 

The word ‘book’ comes from the Latin word ‘libri’
meaning ‘cover’ or ‘leaf’ as books were originally created to cover leaves of
parchment or paper so they could be read by readers.

We are sure that after reading this blog, you will have all the things
necessary to get started with your book-writing journey - whether it is for
self-expression or income-generation purposes. 

Before starting off with the
list of apps and software available for creating ebooks, let us understand what
ebook creation is all about.

Ebook Creator App - Best Ebook Creation Software Tools For All New Author

of the EbookMaker

EbookMaker is one-stop
solution for creating, editing, and publishing ebooks on all major platforms.
Designed for both beginners and experts, EbookMaker offers millions of stock
photos, graphics, icons and illustrations to choose from. 

It provides
adjustable brightness and text size to enhance reading experience. 

It enables
users to add photo filters and color overlays to create unique design. 

It supports
multimedia-enhanced interactive ebooks, which allow users to include video,
audio, and interactive elements in their ebooks. 

EbookMaker also offers
DRM-protected content and compatibility with major operating systems.

EbookMaker is a great tool for creating high-quality ebooks quickly and easily. 

If you're looking for a free ebook creation software that can help you create
professional-looking ebooks quickly and easily, EbookMaker is the best choice
for you!

your ebook

EbookMaker is a free software
application that allows users to create and publish ebook for free online. 

software offers several features to help users create an ebook effortlessly,
including a library of stock photos to choose from, color overlows to give the
ebook a unique look, and templates for different types of ebooks. 

The software
also allows users to add photo filters and shape crops to adjust the
composition of the ebook. 

Whether you are creating an ebook from scratch or
using one as a source for your own work, EbookMaker has tools to make the
process easy and enjoyable.

Whether you are new to ebooks or looking for new ways to enhance your writing
skills, EbookMaker has features designed to simplify the process and turn your
creation into a compelling piece of content. 

Whether you are new to ebooks or
looking for new ways to enhance your writing skills, EbookMaker has features
designed to simplify the process and turn your creation into a compelling piece
of content.


Ebook templates are a great
way to save time and effort in the production of digital content. Pre-designed
ebook templates help new authors create high-quality ebooks quickly and easily,
saving them from the hassle of designing from scratch. 

These templates are
helpful for creating ebook covers, chapters, and other components in a uniform
and consistent manner.Ebooks are beneficial for readers as well. 

They provide in-depth and visual
data to supplement editorial content, making them an attractive reading option
for people looking for information on any topic. 

EPUB ebooks are especially
useful for viewing on smaller screens such as smartphones and tablets. 

format provides a more convenient way to read ebooks than reading on a computer

Moreover, it enables readers to access ebooks anywhere they want,
without needing a specific device or software.

ebook templates

Ebook templates are a great
way to design your ebook quickly and easily. They come pre-loaded with fonts,
layout, and design options to make it easy for you to create the look and feel
of your ebook. 

They also allow you to seamlessly mix content from different
sources and genres. 

Whether you are creating an ebook template for personal use
or publishing it online, download free ebook templates to get started.

The free ebook templates on our website include templates for various genres
such as business, self-help, non-fiction, and more. 

You can also create ebook
templates of your own by accessing a database of millions of stock photos,
graphics, icons, and illustrations. 

These resources help you bring your story
to life in visually appealing ways without having to spend hours or money
creating custom visuals.

your documents into page-turners

Ebook templates are a great
tool for creating interactive page-turning ebooks. You can choose from
thousands of graphics, icons, and illustrations to customize your ebook. 

templates often include interactive features such as touch-friendly buttons and
pop-up dialog boxes. 

Plus, they come in multiple file formats, making them easy
to share and download. 

Besides, you can add photo effects and color overlays to
create a unique design for your ebook. 

Overall, ebook templates help you create
engaging ebooks that will keep readers turning pages.

ideas & resources

Ebooks are an effective way
to promote your business and can be easily shared online. They can be used as a
marketing tool to help build your brand and provide you with valuable

Ebooks can be easily shared via social media platforms like
Twitter and Facebook. They are also popular among email users, so they can be
easily distributed via email campaigns. 

A giveaway ebook is a great way to
promote your business and offer instant access to ebooks for free. It allows
visitors to download your ebook instantly without any additional production
cost or shipping fees. 

Educators can create personalized lesson books by using
oer material from our website.

Ebooks allow businesses to reach a large audience in a cost-effective manner.
They provide instant access to valuable information, making them perfect for
busy professionals who want quick access to key insights and trends. 

ebooks with InDesign tools allows you to collaborate faster and smarter,
generate leads and opt-ins, and offer instant access to ebooks with no
additional production cost or shipping fees. 

Overall, ebooks are an effective
promotional tool that can help build your business and reach a larger audience
quickly and efficiently.

to Make Ebooksin 5 Steps

Starting with a template, you
can create your ebooks in a few simple steps.

- First, choose a template from the creator’s library or download one of your

- Then, open and edit the file using the creator's tool.

- Lastly, add your content using text boxes and insert graphics, stock photos,
and icons to visualize your content.

You can adjust colors, fonts, visuals, charts, and graphs to create a unique
looking ebook.

After setting up basic information such as title, author, page orientation,
transition, etc., you can preview and export ebooks into different formats.

Finally, share your ebooks with others via email or social media channels.

Ebook Creation Softwares

EBook creator software is a
helpful tool for businesses to create, publish, and securely deliver
multimedia-enhanced interactive ebooks. 

With this software, businesses can
create engaging ebooks without any coding knowledge. 

Most of the top-rated
ebook creation software on the market today offers a wide range of features to
help businesses create high-quality ebooks quickly and easily. 

These include
interactive elements, cover design, e-book formatting and publishing options.
Some of them offer tutorials to help new users learn how to use the software

Some of the popular ebook creation software include KITABOO, Epubeemaker,
Flipbuilder, Blurb and Pressbooks. 

Each of these software providers has its own
unique features that businesses can leverage to create their ebooks

Marq (formerly Lucidpress)

Marq (formerly known as
Lucidpress) is a content creation and management tool that’s perfect for ebook
creation. In particular, it has a modern user interface that’s easy to use.
This makes it suitable for both beginners and experienced users alike.

The software supports multiple types of printed materials, including books,
brochures, and journals. 

Moreover, you can use it to create e-books on various
topics, such as marketing and finance. In addition to its feature-rich design,
Marq offers a drag-and-drop editor. 

This allows users to easily customize their
e-book's layout and style.

 And the brand asset hub helps you organize your
assets and templates easily.

Marq also provides free plans for individuals and teams of up to three
documents per month. Paid plans start at $9 per month for individuals and go up
to $49 per month for team plans with unlimited documents.

Adobe InDesign

- Adobe InDesign is a pro
eBook creator software which requires a learning curve and is available with a
monthly subscription. It is widely considered an excellent publishing software
for creating visually polished books. 

InDesign offers all the features you
would expect from a professional publishing software, such as easy-to-use
storyboards, powerful typography tools, and more. 

As part of Creative Cloud, it
lets you transform any format with ease. Additionally, it has thousands of
Adobe fonts, storyboards, and the ability to create interactive eBooks.

InDesign's wide range of features, you can create great looking books for any

- The best part about InDesign is that it allows you to work collaboratively
and enhance your book’s typography easily.

- Another feature worth mentioning is its ability to speed up project load

- Overall, InDesign is a great tool for anyone looking to create high-quality
eBooks easily and efficiently.


Beacon is an ebook creation
software that lets you personalize your ebook content and design. 

With Beacon,
you can create ebooks from existing content or create new content using a
variety of features. 

You can use themes to customize the look and feel of your
ebook, such as adding a header and footer or changing the fonts and colors. 

can also add video, images, and widgets to add dynamic elements to your ebook.

With Beacon, you can create ebooks with a wide range of specifications, from
basic HTML5 to advanced EPUB3. 

You can customize the structure of your ebook
using templates and a number of other options. 

The free trial allows you to try
out these features before purchasing the software. You can download Beacon for
free on desktop and mobile devices.


If you're looking to create
an ebook quickly and easily, you can use an ebook creator app.

These software
tools provide you with the tools you need to design a professional and engaging

This includes a variety of features for creating your content, such as
templates, templates with pre-built structures, book covers, and social media

Another great thing about using an app is that it lets you choose from millions
of stock photos, graphics, icons, and illustrations to use in your ebook. 

gives your eBook a unique look and make it easy for readers to find and
download your book on various platforms. 

Additionally, you can add photo
filters and color overlays to give your ebook a brighter or more muted look.

You don't need any design experience to start using an app for ebook creation. 

However, if you're interested in learning more about how to create ebooks using
software, consider taking online courses or reading books on the subject.


- Draft2Digital is an ebook
creator software that helps with layout, publishing, and distribution.

- It’s a great option for new authors because it provides features to help you
publish your ebook quickly and easily. 

With automated templates, designated
homepage for authors, and the ability to distribute books to major online
retailers, it makes publishing ebooks as easy as possible.

- Another advantage of using Draft2Digital is that it doesn't charge you
anything up front. Instead, it takes 10% of the book's sales. 

This means you
can focus on writing your book without worrying about finances.

- The software has dozens of formatting features like E-book Cover Design,
E-book Conversion, E-book Header & Footer, E-book Page Layout, E-book Scans
& Calibration, and more. 

You can also use templates to create your own
unique ebooks quickly and easily.

- Finally, the software pays you monthly with a minimum payment of $25 for
checks, $20 for Payoneer, and $10 via international direct deposit.

As you can see, Draft2Digital is a great option for new authors looking
topublish their ebooks easily and affordably.


FlippingBook is a
professional tool to convert PDFs into digital flipbooks. 

It is used by
medium-sized companies and the world’s largest brands like Unilever, Marriott,
Intel, Cartier, and Pearson. 

It comes with multiple sharing options such as
link, embed, QR code, and secure sharing features.

Flipbook features such as videos, pop-up images, GIFs, and links make it easy
for users to create engaging content. Its plans start from $19/month with a
14-day free trial, no credit card required. 

So if you’re looking for a quality
software for creating digital flipbooks, FlippingBook is worth considering.

Zinepal Directory

Zinepal is an online tool
that provides users with a one-stop shop for ebook and e-book conversion tools. 

It allows users to search for various publishing tools based on their
requirements and filter the results by the type of tool, whether it is free or
not, or the major features in the tool. 

Through this platform, users can find
best-suited options for ebook creation easily. 

In addition, it provides a
platform for professionals to share their experience and expertise regarding
ebook creation software.

This makes it a helpful resource for those looking for specific tools for ebook
creation. Besides, it can be used to create ebooks for Amazon's Kindle device. 

By being aware of other professionals who are also purchasing ebooks, you can
save time and money while creating ebooks.


Designrr is a powerful, yet
easy-to-use tool that lets you create e-books, Kindle books, and lead magnets
with ease. 

With its wide range of templates, fonts, and covers, you can create
professional-looking books in no time. 

You can access hundreds of templates to
create different kinds of books, from fiction to non-fiction. 

With its advanced
features such as a setup wizard and the ability to import text, it makes it
easy for users to create e-books quickly.

The ‘one-click publishing’ button on Designer provides an easy way to create
e-books without any hassle. Besides, Designrr has millions of stock photos, graphics,
icons, and illustrations to choose from, making it an ideal tool for creative

Overall, Designrr is a great option for creative
self-publishing without any hassle.


-Flipsnack is an ebook
creator app that allows users to create and publish ebooks on the go.

-The app has a user-friendly interface and easy-to-use tools. This makes it
easy for users to create dynamic ebooks and customize them to their liking.

-The app offers a variety of templates and options for book design, allowing
users to experiment and create unique ebook looks. 

This gives them plenty of
scope to express their creativity and add personal flair to their work.

-Besides, the app has features such as book cover creation, page layout, font
selection, and book cover cropping. These give users complete control over the
overall look of their ebook.

-Flipsnack offers a free plan that allows users to publish up to 10 ebooks per
month. Users can also access more features with paid plans.

-Flipsnack is a great tool for new and aspiring writers who want to easily
create and publish high-quality ebooks on their computers or mobile devices. 

Its simple interface, wide range of features, and pricing options make it an
excellent choice for anyone looking to start creating ebooks on their own.


Kotobee is a platform for
creating and publishing digital books. It provides an elegant and easy-to-use
interface for creating digital content, allowing you to customize your reader’s
experience by adding features like book trailers and audio chapters. 

This also
allows you to publish your books quickly and efficiently, saving you time and
money. With Kotobee, you can easily publish ebooks in a variety of formats,
including ePub and PDF. 

The platform also has a wide range of customization
options for readers, including varied font sizes, styles, and colors.

Aside from that, it offers quotations for customized solutions. 

With Kotobee’s
APIs and software development kit (SDK), it enables developers to create custom
reading experiences for their users. 

This way, they can create seamless
integrations between the app and other platforms.


Pressbooks is an ebook
creation tool that allows users to create and export ebooks in formats such as
Epub, PDF, and Kindle. 

The platform offers a library of stock photos, graphics,
icons, and illustrations to make creating ebooks easy. It also offers features
such as co-op editing and rich media annotation for making ebooks more

With Pressbooks, users can create ebooks quickly and easily without needing any
prior experience in ebook creation software. 

Plans are available for both
individuals and businesses, starting from $19.99 one-time fee for one book up
to a $500 yearly account. 

The commercial license allows users to build a
business by creating ebooks for clients. 

Besides, the software has been
designed specifically for educators, making it easy for them to create engaging
ebooks quickly and efficiently.

Microsoft Word

If you're looking for an
ebook creation tool, then there's no doubt that Microsoft Word is a popular
choice. It's a powerful word processing software that has been the benchmark
for over two decades.

- You can use it to create and edit ebooks and documents in easily. It also
allows you to export your work as a PDF file, allowing you to quickly share
your finished product with others.

- If you purchase MS Word, you can use it to self-publish using the DOCX file
format. This is a popular option among many self-publishers due to its ease of
use and accessibility.

- MS Word Online is a web version of the software that lets you access various
tools such as Excel, PowerPoint, and OneDrive from anywhere. Besides being easy
to use, it's also affordable and hassle-free. 

However, if you're looking for an
ebook creation tool that offers more features and flexibility than MS Word,
then consider trying another software on the market.


-Kitaboo is an ebook creator
app that allows users to create and publish books in just a few minutes.

-Kitaboo offers a variety of features to help authors create high-quality
books. These include a variety of templates and themes, editing tools,
publishing options, and more.

-Users can share their books with friends and family, and sell books through
the app.

-Kitaboo offers a free trial period for new users, so you can try out all the
features before you make a purchase.

-You can also read reviews and comparisons of other users' experiences with
Kitaboo before making a decision.

By using Kitaboo, you can easily create and publish high-quality ebooks without
any hassle. Its features and affordable pricing make it one of the best ebook
creator apps available today.


Scrivener is a software app
designed specifically for writers. It offers features to create an organized
and distraction-free work environment, making it suitable for novelists,
screenwriters, and academics. 

This app has won prestigious awards from
Macworld, PCPro, and PCWorld, and has a high rating on PCMag and Amazon.

Scrivener's interface is sleek and intuitive, making it easy to create content
using various templates or ‘scenes.’ 

These scenes help you stay focused on your
writing with features such as track changes, outline view, and research notes.
Scrivener offers many different publishing formats, including EPUB, MOBI, DOCX,
HTML5/CSS3, PDF/A-1a-2b-3c-4d-5e-6f-7g-8h-9i-10i-XD-12s-and more. 

There is also
support for metadata creation in various formats such as WordML/Word 2008/2010
XML (WOSM), bibliographic metadata (BMS), Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
(DCMI) metadata fields 2.1.0 (Dublin Core Metadata Specification version
2.1.0), and others.

Overall, Scrivener is a great app for any writer looking to create content
efficiently and effectively.


Ulysses is a Mac-exclusive
ebook creation software designed for writers. It offers organizational tools,
document attachments, filters, automatic backup, and writing goals. It saves
ebooks to PDF, EPUB, and .docx formats. 

It has a one-time license fee and a
free 30-day trial. The software has a clean interface and quality of support
and costs $5.99/month.

Ulysses is an excellent choice for newbie ebook creators looking for an
easy-to-use yet powerful tool to help them create high-quality ebooks. 

offers all the essential features a writer needs to create engaging EPUB or PDF
files without getting into too much technical jargon.

This software is also great for established authors as it provides them with
great tools to manage their book publishing process easily and effectively.
Overall, Ulysses makes creating ebooks easier than ever before.


Vellum is a premium ebook
creator app that has been specially designed to make creating ebooks easier for

With Vellum, you can easily create EPUB, PDF, and MOBI ebooks without
having to worry about formatting or layout. It supports various file formats,
making it an ideal choice for all types of authors.

Vellum features a distraction-free interface with a well-organized interface,
making it an efficient tool for working on ebooks. 

It has features designed to
create an organized and distraction-free work environment for authors, such as
automatic pagination, page outline, and word count. Vellum also has easy access
to key features like text styles and templates for quick customization.

Vellum offers free trials for both the desktop app and the website version so
that authors can try out the app before purchasing it.


- Sigil is an ebook creation
software designed for all new authors. It provides a user-friendly interface
and a wide range of features to help you create your ebook, including a
template engine, cover creator, formatter, and editor.

- Sigil allows you to publish your ebook online and sell it via various
channels, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Google Play. It
offers a 30-day money-back guarantee so that you can try the software

- You can also use Sigil on Windows and Mac computers with versions for both

- Sigil is available in English and Spanish, and can be used on both Windows
and Mac computers with versions for both platforms. Overall, Sigil is a great
choice for new authors looking to create high-quality ebooks easily and

Kindle Create

If you're looking to create
an eBook online for free, but don't have design experience or a computer savvy
friend to help, there is another option. Kindle Create is an ebook creator
software from Amazon that comes with a few downsides. It integrates with the
Kindle Direct Publishing Platform and is free to use. It features professionally
designed themes, automated suggestions for styling, and allows users to preview
ebooks on different devices. However, it only saves files in KPB and KPF
formats and image captions are unsupported.

Those looking to create an eBook online for free shouldn't overlook the
benefits of other software options either. Some viable options include Adobe
InDesign and Microsoft Word. These programs come with more features and design
flexibility than Kindle Create, making them great choices for any aspiring author.


FlipHTML5 is an HTML5
publishing platform that allows you to create interactive eBooks. It offers a
free hosting service and gives you access to 10 customizable flipbook
templates, multimedia support, and custom domain support. Besides, it enables
you to convert PDF, MS Office, OpenOffice, and Images to HTML5. This software
comes with 4 pricing plans with the free plan giving 20GB of storage and 500
page limit. You can also explore its features via its website. Overall, this
software is a great choice for anyone looking to publish their ebook in HTML5


Creating ebooks using Ebook
Creator app is a great way to get your message out to your audience. You can
create ebooks using any media- from text to images- in the app, making it a
great choice for anyone looking to create an ebook.

The app offers 36 free ebook templates, which provide you with the ability to
customize the layout of your ebook and add various elements such as Chapters,
Titles, and Subheadings.

You can also download HubSpot's free ebook templates- Including popular genres
like Finance and Business, Fiction, and Non-Fiction-for free to get started
with creating ebooks.

 These templates offer a variety of options for
customizing your ebook, making it easy for anyone to create an ebook quickly
and easily.

The app has numerous other features that help you create ebooks quickly and
easily, including themes and fonts, editing tools, and more. 

With these
features at hand, anyone can easily create ebooks using Ebook Creator app.

Get professional help from experts if you're interested in creating a book

Millions of stock photos, graphics, icons and illustrations are
available for use in Ebook Creator app to make your ebook look vibrant and


Visme is a useful e-book
creation software suitable for aspiring authors. It has grown to more than 4.5
million users worldwide. 

It offers easy customization settings, drag and drop
editor, and millions of stock photos to choose from. 

This makes it a great tool
for creating e-books with high-quality and unique characters.

Visme also offers free plan with 100MB of storage with access to a few
templates and premium tools to users as an affordable option. It has features
such as e-book format conversion, layout customization, cover design, and
e-book publishing.

Apart from that, Visme is used by popular companies such as IBM, Intuit, and
PayPal. The software is capable of handling diverse media such as videos, audio
files, images, and documents among others.

With the help of Visme’s amazing features and affordable pricing scheme, anyone
can create an e-book easily and efficiently.


Canva is an online design and
publishing ebook creator software, launched in 2013. It offers 1035 templates
for ebooks, an easy-to-use editor, a range of free templates for ebook covers,
and marketing tools built-in. 

Canva allows users to upload their work to the
Cloud and access it from anywhere in the world. 

With access to over 1 million
stock images to use in ebooks and the ability to change the text color as
needed, Canva is a great option for creating professional-looking ebooks.
Besides, it has a user-friendly interface and stable performance. 

Canva is a great choice for anyone looking to create ebooks easily and

do free ebooks make money?

Ebooks can be sold online
through marketplaces such as, Upwork, and Fiverr. These
marketplaces allow users to post their jobs for hire and bid on projects; they
charge a fee for using the service. 

Setting prices for ebooks should be based
on the target audience's willingness to pay and the platforms it will be sold

Publish an ebook is a cost-effective option compared to traditional
publishing because it allows authors to share their work with a global audience
instantly and free of charge, without the need for printing or shipping. 

makes ebooks a popular choice for self-publishing authors who want to reach a
large audience quickly. 

Ebooks have high-volume and low-sales-price, meaning
that one must sell many in order to turn a significant profit from ebook sales.

an eBook Creator free?

Canva is a free online
software that allows users to create engaging visuals for social media, blog
posts, and other online content. It can be used from anywhere in the world with
an internet connection. 

With Canva, users can design graphics and
illustrations, such as logos, cover images, and social media profiles, directly
from their browser. 

Additionally, it has a library of more than 1000+ stock
photos available for free download. Moreover, Canva provides an advanced user
interface that makes creating visual content easy and fun. With the software,
users can create professional-looking visuals in just minutes.

The free version of Canva allows users to create simple social media posts and
blog posts without any design experience. 

However, if users want to create more
complex visualizations or graphics projects, they can purchase a commercial
license for $497 per year. 

The commercial license enables users to create
unlimited eBooks for clients or build a business by creating eBooks for customers.

Asked Questions


is the best app to make an eBook?

There are many great eBook
creation applications available online. However, our favorite by far is
Calibre. This application is very user-friendly and allows you to create an
eBook in minutes with no design experience needed. In addition, you can work
collaboratively with others in designing your eBook faster. Once your
manuscript is finished, publishing it as an eBook is simple and free.

is the best free eBook creator?

There are a variety of free
eBook creator software programs available on the market today. However, to
create the best ebook, it's important to make use of the right software for
your specific needs.

Ceros is one such program that offers a no-code platform for eBook creation.
This software is suitable for those without a coding background, making it easy
to get started. 

Additionally, Jutoh offers an ebook creator tool for all
platforms, including the Raspberry Pi. This makes it easy for you to create
eBooks in any format and design, and even sell them to clients.

A commercial license is available for Jutoh, allowing you to create unlimited
eBooks and sell them to clients. 

When using an eBook creator software, avoid
getting stuck in PDF mode. 

Make sure to choose a program that will meet your
specific needs, and be sure to download a free trial to try before you buy.

to create an eBook app in 3 easy steps?

To create an ebook app in 3
easy steps, you'll need to first understand the requirements for doing so.

Once you have gathered all the necessary tools and resources, it's time to get
started on the design process. 

Utilizing the advantages of ebooks will make
your ebook more accessible and engaging for readers, which will lead to higher
sales figures.

Last but not least, publish your ebook app to the appropriate app stores!

is the best free eBook creator?

Based on the features that
each software offers, we would recommend Ceros as the best free eBook creator. 

Ceros offers a no-code platform for eBook creation that is free to use. This
makes it great for beginner ebook publishers who want to create their own books
without any coding knowledge.

 Additionally, Ceros has a free commercial license
which means that you can create as many eBooks as you'd like without having to
pay any fees. 

Moreover, Ceros provides ebook creator services to help you meet
project goals and make your ebook publishing process easier. 

Jutoh is another
great free eBook creator software that offers a cross-platform design and a
decent amount of tools for ebook publishing. 

It also has an easy-to-use
interface, making it great for beginners and experts alike.

is the best format for your ebook?

There are many different
formats available for ebook publishing, such as EPUB, PDF, MOBI and KF8. 

format you choose is up to you and your readers.To create DRM-protected content, Kitaboo is a great choice. 

This software
enables authors to encrypt their ebook's files so that they can keep their
content safe and protect it from unauthorized access. 

Additionally, InDesign is
useful for creating ebooks with rich media features, such as images, audio and

When it comes to making your ebook compatible with major platforms, you
have a lot of freedom to choose.

many ebooks can I create with FlippingBook?

You can create up to 10
ebooks with FlippingBook Publisher. 

This software allows you to store the
digital books you create on your own server. Additionally, FlippingBook
Automation is a batch converter which can convert up to 100 ebooks at once.

FlippingBook Online is a browser-based PDF to ebook converter that offers fast
navigation to browse through multiple-chaptered ebooks. 

You can start creating
your first ebook today by download FlippingBook Publisher and taking advantage
of its 14-day free trial.

one is better: cloud-based or on-premises software for ebooks?

There is no definitive answer
when it comes to choosing between cloud-based or on-premises eBook software. 

However, the main factors that should be considered are accessibility and

Cloud-based software may be more accessible and user-friendly than on-premises
software. This means that anyone with a computer or smartphone can access and
use the software. 

On the other hand, an experienced expert may be better suited
to use on-premises eBook software compared to cloud-based software. 

This is
because on-premises software is usually more expensive than cloud-based

 However, cloud-based software may be better for those looking to
build a business or make an application, due to its no-code platform and

PDF files should be avoided when using an eBook creator
software, regardless of whether it is cloud-based or on-premises.

do you choose a good ebook creator app?

Before creating your ebook,
you'll want to consider a few key things.

First and foremost, you'll want to choose an app that is intuitive and easy to

This will make the process of publishing your ebook as smooth and easy as

Plus, if you have any design or layout experience, you may find it
easier to create your ebook using an app that allows for direct layout and
design control.

Secondly, avoid PDF formats when publishing ebooks. Not only do they take up
more space on your device, but they also tend to be less reliable than other
ebook formats. 

Plus, people who are visually impaired or have difficulty
reading text can struggle with PDFs.

Thirdly, consider using free eBook templates to get started. This way, you'll
know exactly what kind of content, layout, and design elements you'll need to
include in order to create your perfect ebook.

And finally, make sure that the software you choose provides features that meet
your specific publishing needs. 

For example, some software providers offer
features like book formatting and design, author tracking and social media
integration, or even e-commerce capabilities.

is the best ebook creator app?

There are many great ebook
creator apps out there, but some of our favorites include Adobe InDesign, Adobe
Express, and Ceros.

Adobe InDesign is a great publishing tool that can help you write, design, and
publish eBooks. 

This software is also suitable for those without any coding
experience, as it offers drag-and-drop features and a user-friendly interface.

Adobe Express also offers a lot of features for businesses who want to create
professional eBooks. 

This platform has everything from templates to
self-publishing tools and more. Plus, it's free to use for up to 20 books.

Ceros is another popular no-code ebook creator software option that's great for

With this software, you can create professional-looking eBooks
without any coding knowledge. 

It also has powerful features like chapters,
menus, subheadings, table of contents, and more.

there any drawbacks to using an ebook maker app?

There may be some drawbacks
to using ebook maker software apps.

Some users may find the software difficult to use, as ebook maker software
platforms can be complex and require coding expertise. 

Additionally, ebook
maker software platforms may not offer design capabilities such as in-depth
charts, graphs, or full-page images.

Ebooks may also have associated shipping fees, which means that the user will
have to pay for the ebook to be sent to them. 

Lastly, ebook maker software
platforms may not always be accessible whenever the user wants to access them.


Publishing an ebook is a
great way to promote your business, brand, or expertise. It allows you to put
your thoughts and expertise out there for others to benefit from. 

You can use
ebook creation software to design the ebook layout and formatting, upload audio
files, and create PDF versions of your ebook. 

The software helps you create
professional-looking ebooks quickly and efficiently. 

You can use ebook creation
software tools such as graphics editors, word processors, and template creators
(such as MS Word templates) to make book design faster. 

You can also cut down
on the time it takes to create an ebook by using ebook creation software tools (such
as e-book design software). 

If designing ebooks sounds like something you’d
enjoy doing, download ebook creation software tools today and start publishing!

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