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 Tried Shopify Dropshipping With NO MONEY in 2023 (Based on real-life experience)

in this blogpost, I'm going to start a brand new Shopify dropshipping business
and attempt to take it from zero dollars to over one thousand dollars in just one

Dropshipping 101: Is it Possible to Start with No Money in 2023?

I'm not going to be using any money for this challenge. I know a lot of people
think you can't start a dropshipping business without any money, but we're
going to prove them wrong in this blogpost. 

be starting the dropshipping business completely from scratch and walk you
through the entire step-by-step process. At the end of the blogpost, I'll tell
you exactly how much money the business makes. Honestly, I'm hoping it's going
to make over a thousand dollars, but we're just going to have to wait and see.

I have a lot of stuff that I have to get done today, and the very first thing I
want to do is just find a good product to sell. After that, I'm just going to
find a good supplier. Then, I'm going to create my online store with Shopify.
And then, I'm going to start creating advertisements. 

For this challenge, I'm
basically going to be using Pinterest, Instagram, and TikTok, and just posting
viral blogposts on there for free. Yes, this method does work well, since I do
use it on my current dropshipping businesses that make over six figures.

Dropshipping on a Dime: Can You Really Start with No Money in 2023?

so the first thing I want to start by doing is trying to find a good product to
sell. Honestly, as long as I can create viral blogposts with the product and it
has high demand, it's something I can work with. I find about 99% of my viral
products on TikTok, so I'm going to tell you my strategy and how you can do
this yourself. So, what I do on TikTok is just search up "TikTok made me
buy it." Then, I'll click on that little hamburger icon in the top right

Then, I'll just change the date posted to "this month," and
now it's going to tell me a bunch of relevant winning products that are selling
right now. Some other hashtags you can use to find products are #Amazonfinds,
#dropshippers exposed, and #TikTokviralproducts.

I'm going to take the next 20 minutes to try to find some good products to
sell. Once I do find something, I'll come back and update you. Okay, honestly,
I found a ton of really good products, but there is one that stood out to me
the most, which is the cordless hair curler. For anyone who doesn't know, the
cordless hair curler is really convenient for females, since you can touch up
your hair anywhere you go. There are so many stores on TikTok selling this
product, so if they're doing well, I'm sure I can also do the same.

so the next thing I want to do is find a supplier that I can get the product
from. For this blogpost, I think I'm going to use Spocket. I found the cordless
hair curler on Spocket for $28.30.


Can You Start Dropshipping With No Money in 2023
Can You Start Dropshipping With No Money in 2023

is really good, and the shipping times are only seven to 14 business days,
which is also ideal. I think I'm going to sell the product on my store for
$59.99. Now, I've actually seen a lot of stores selling this product for over a
hundred dollars, but because I want to sell a lot of products in a short period
of time, and I don't want it to be too expensive, I think $59.99 is a good
number to stick with. If my customers see that other stores are selling it for
over a hundred dollars and I'm only selling it for a fraction of that cost, I'm
sure they'd rather buy it from my store.

I do want to add one other product to my store, and I'm thinking of making it
an upsell. Anyways, I found this heat protectant spray, and I think it goes
really well with the cordless hair curler. I'm thinking of selling it on my
store for $19.99, and it's only going to cost me $8.27, which is pretty good.
If you need a supplier for your drop-shipping store, I'll leave a link for
Spocket in the description of this blogpost.

now I have the product, which I'm happy about, and the next step is to actually
start building my Shopify store. I want my store to look like an actual brand,
so it's going to take me a little bit of time to build it. So, I'm going to
start working on the store right now, and then I'll update you tomorrow once
I'm done.

it's the second day now, and I finally finished the store. I made it look very
simple and clean.

No Budget, No Problem: Tips for Launching a Dropshipping Business in 2023

going to tell you the page that the customers get redirected to. Anyways, I
have different color options here. Additionally, I have added a sales timer to
create a sense of urgency. I have also included a ton of high-quality photos,
which is really important. Furthermore, I have added this to build more trust
with the customers. If you scroll down here, you can see what's included in the
package. Then, I talk about the benefits of buying the cordless hair curler.

added some frequently asked questions, and then I also have a 30-day money-back
guarantee. A lot of customers won't buy your product if you don't have this, so
make sure you do. If you scroll down here, you can see that I did include how
the cordless hair curler works. This just makes it look really easy and

All the way at the bottom of the page, I included some
customer reviews. Now, I obviously imported these reviews to my store, but
usually, I do have real customer reviews. But that's pretty much it for the
store, and I think it looks pretty good.

now that I'm done with my store, the next important thing I have to do is add a
Shopify app called After Sell to my store. 

Bootstrapping Your Way to Dropshipping Success in 2023: Can You Do It with No Money

The reason I'm going to use After
Sell is that it can increase my revenue anywhere from 10% to 15%, which is
exactly what I want. After Sell is for post-purchase upsells, and if you don't
know what that is, it's basically when you offer a customer a product to
purchase after they've already purchased something from your store.

example, after someone purchases the cordless hair curler from my store, I can
then offer them another product to purchase. So, in my case, I could upsell the
heat protectant spray since it works well with the cordless hair curler. 

Post-purchase upsells work so well because if a customer just purchased
something from your store, they're more likely to purchase another item since
you already built that initial trust. You can even give them a really good
discount on the upsell offer, which will then make them want to buy it even

one thing you never want to do with upsells is to offer them to the customer
before they've made a purchase. This will just end up confusing them, and they
might not end up buying the product at all. 

But the good thing about After Sell
is that the upsell offer only comes after a customer makes a purchase, which is
exactly what we want. Anyways, I'm actually going to create an upsell offer
using After Sell for my store right now and walk you through the process step
by step.

so the very first thing you want to do is go to the Shopify app store and
search for After Sell, and it should come up. So, it's going to look like this:
After Sell post-purchase upsell. Let's add the app. Once you're in After Sell,
the first thing you want to do is click on "Enable Settings." 

it's going to bring you to the Shopify page, so just make sure you click on
After Sell, and then click on "Save." Okay, back here, let's just
refresh the page. 

How to Start Dropshipping with No Money in 2023: Funnel Create and Insights

Now, the first thing we want to do is actually set up our
first funnel. Click here on "Create," and I'm just going to name this
funnel "Heat Protectant." So here, I want to click "Tell this
funnel to all customers" since I only have one upsell product.

I'm going to choose the upsell product, and basically, what I'm going to be
upselling is this heat protectant spray. The cool thing here is if the customer
actually does end up purchasing this product, you can offer them another
upsell. And if they decline this product, then you can offer them a downsell.
Since I don't have any other products, I'm just going to keep it like this, but
you can add products here. The next thing I want to do is click on 'edit offer'
so that you can customize this page if you want. 

That's what I'm going to do.
I'll click on 'add widget', then 'add text and image'. So, what I did here is
add a picture of the product and explained what it does. 

The main purpose of
this product is obviously to protect your hair from heat damage. Anyways, now
I'm going to click on 'save'.

going to go back, so that's it for this page. Now, I'm going to click
"next". Okay, so now on the thank you page, we can actually customize
this. This is kind of what the customer sees at the very end, so I'm going to
click "edit page".

going to click on the right area and you can kind of add whatever you want. So
you can add a blogpost, images, frequently asked questions, and reviews.
Something like this can go a long way and obviously, you do want to use actual
customer reviews, but I am just telling you this as an example. Click
"save" back. So we're pretty much done now.

going to click "finish", then just turn on the funnel, and so now
customers are going to be able to see this upsell offer. 

We're pretty much
done, and After Sell is completely free if you have up to 50 orders per month,
so definitely check it out. 

I use post-purchase upsells for all of my dropshipping
stores, and it is 100% worth it. If you did want to add After Sell to your
store, I have a link for it in the description of this blogpost.

it's the next day now, and since I'm done with the store, the next thing I want
to focus on is advertising.

this obviously is going to be the hardest part since I don't have any money to
work with, but I do have a solution for that.

much any blogpost you post on TikTok, Instagram, or Pinterest can go viral, and
so my plan is to just try to make viral blogposts on these platforms.

what I end up doing is actually I order the product to my house and make my own
blogposts, or sometimes I hire someone from Upwork to make blogposts for me. 

But in this case, since I don't have much time, I'm just going to go on TikTok
and try to find blogposts of people using the cordless hair curler. 

Then, I'm
going to repost those blogposts on my social media accounts, and of course, I
will give the owner of the blogpost credit.

do I recommend you do this for your dropshipping businesses? Honestly, if
you're trying to build a real long-term sustainable brand, you may want to
avoid this, or at least try to make your own blogposts. But if you're just
testing things out in the beginning, I think this is totally fine.

what I'm going to do now is scroll through TikTok and try to find a bunch of
different blogposts, and I'll update you once I find some.

so I found a bunch of really good blogposts to use, and I also set up all my
social media pages.

also put the store link in my social media bios, but the only thing that sucks
with TikTok is you actually can't put a link in your bio until you have 1,000

basically, I'll have to wait until I reach that number before I can add the

have to redirect all my TikTok customers to Instagram. This will definitely
have a negative effect on my sales, but there really is nothing I can do. 

goal currently is to post at least one to two videos every single day on each
social media platform, and I do hope that at least one video goes viral because
that's all I really need to make over a thousand dollars. 

So honestly, I just
have to wait and see what's going to happen. I really have no idea. I'm either
going to make a lot of money, or I'm not, but I guess that's pretty much it for

So what I'm going to do is work on the business every single day, and I'll
come back and update you once this challenge is done, and then we'll see how
much money the business ends up making.

so it's officially been over a week since I started the dropshipping business,
and I'm honestly very happy with the results. So the first thing I want to tell
you is how the social media content performed. On TikTok, I'd say the videos
performed the best. I ended up posting about 26 videos, and I gained over 100
followers. This video, specifically, did really well.

probably make at least a thousand dollars, but I'll tell you after. Now,
something to know about TikTok is that it can be very easy to grow a following
and get high engagement if you consistently post high-quality content. I start
new businesses on TikTok all the time and can scale them quickly. 

So, my
biggest tips for TikTok are to always use a brand new account, relevant
hashtags on your videos, follow trends, and use trending music. 

Look at what
other small businesses are doing on TikTok and replicate it. It only takes one
viral video on TikTok to blow up your entire account, so be patient and
consistent. Even if you're not getting many views in the beginning, keep going,
and it'll be worth it. For reference, I'll leave my TikTok account up so you
can use it as an example.

let's take a look at my Instagram account. Honestly, it didn't do too well, but
the first two videos did get a decent amount of views. The other videos I
posted on my account didn't do well at all, and that's because with Instagram,
you need to be consistent for at least a month to start seeing results.

on, let's take a look at my Pinterest account. Honestly, I pretty much got no
engagement, and the reason for this is because with Pinterest, you usually need
to post consistently for at least a month to start seeing results.

need to post consistently for at least one month if you want to see results.
Anyways, now onto the exciting part, which is how much money my dropshipping
business made. So, my dropshipping business ended up making $839.82, and these
results are honestly really good for the first couple of days. Usually, in the
first week, you don't expect to make much money since you're just testing out
different things.

also got a decent amount of visitors every single day, and just by using the
Shopify app after-sale, I was able to make an extra $119. So, you definitely
should be using after-sale on your store. It's an easy way to boost your
revenue, and I'll have a link for it in the description of this video.

you want to learn exactly how I'm able to build multiple successful
dropshipping businesses like this one, I do have a dropshipping course that you
can join. So, if you're interested in joining the course, I'll leave a link for
it in the description of this video.

on, now I want to go over all the expenses and share the profit. It was
completely free to use Shopify since I have a free trial.

Shopify and PayPal fees were around $30, and the product cost was around
$407.22. So, the total profit is $432.60, which is actually really good. It's
over 50% profit margin.

I really want you to learn from this video is that you should be taking
advantage of the three social media platforms that allow you to advertise your
products for free.

is exactly what I've been doing for over a year, and it's worked out really


Dropshipping is a business model that has gained popularity in recent years due to its low barrier to entry and potential for high profitability. While starting a dropshipping business without any money may seem challenging, it is possible with the right approach.

To start dropshipping with no money, you'll need to focus on building a strong foundation for your business. This includes selecting a profitable niche, researching products, building relationships with suppliers, creating a professional-looking online store, and developing a marketing plan that utilizes free or low-cost strategies.

While you may need to invest some time and effort into your business, it's possible to start dropshipping with no money in 2023. However, it's important to keep in mind that success won't happen overnight, and you'll need to be patient, persistent, and willing to learn from your mistakes.

Ultimately, the key to starting a successful dropshipping business with no money is to stay focused on your goals, prioritize your time and resources, and be willing to adapt and evolve as your business grows.


Can I start Shopify
dropshipping with no money?

is possible to start a Shopify dropshipping business with no money, but it is
challenging. The main challenge is that you will need to invest in some tools
and resources to get started, such as a website, domain name, and product
sourcing platform. Additionally, you may need to spend money on advertising and
marketing to promote your store and generate sales.

Can you use Shopify with no money?

is to use a dropshipping supplier that offers free products or sample products
that you can use to showcase your store and generate sales. Some suppliers may
offer free shipping, which can help reduce your overall costs.

What is the minimum budget for Shopify

The minimum budget for starting a Shopify dropshipping
business will vary depending on your goals and the products you want to sell.
However, as a general guideline, you should plan to invest at least a few
hundred dollars to get started. Here are some of the costs you may need to

Shopify subscription: Shopify offers a range of pricing
plans, starting at $29 per month for the Basic Shopify plan. This plan includes
essential features such as a website, domain name, payment processing, and
order management.

Domain name: You will need to purchase a domain name for
your store, which typically costs around $10-15 per year.

Product sourcing: You may need to spend money on product
sourcing platforms, such as AliExpress or Oberlo, to find products to sell.
Some of these platforms offer free plans, but you may need to pay for premium
features and tools.

Advertising and marketing: To generate traffic and sales
for your store, you may need to invest in advertising and marketing. This could
include paid social media ads, influencer marketing, or search engine
optimization (SEO). The amount you spend will depend on your strategy and

Other expenses: Other expenses to consider include website
design and development, app subscriptions, and payment processing fees.

Is there a free way
to dropship?

there are ways to dropship for free, but they may come with some limitations.
Here are some options:

Print-on-demand dropshipping allows you to create custom designs for products
such as t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases. You only pay for the products when you
receive an order, and the supplier ships the products directly to your customer.
Some print-on-demand services offer a free plan, but you may need to pay for
premium features and services.

with a supplier that offers free products: Some suppliers offer free products
or samples that you can use to showcase your store and generate sales. You may
need to pay for shipping or purchase a minimum order quantity to qualify for
free products.

Media Marketing: You can use social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook
to promote your products and generate sales without spending money on
advertising. You can also join relevant groups and communities to connect with
potential customers and build your brand.

Marketing: Creating content such as blog posts, videos, and infographics can
help you drive traffic to your store and generate sales. You can use free tools
like Canva to create professional-looking graphics and videos, and platforms
like Medium to publish blog posts.

free eCommerce platforms: You can also use free eCommerce platforms like
WordPress and WooCommerce to create an online store and start dropshipping.
These platforms offer free themes and plugins that you can use to customize
your store and add functionality.

Can I start
dropshipping with $50 dollars?

possible to start a dropshipping business with $50, but it may be challenging.
With a limited budget, you will need to be creative and strategic in how you
invest your money. Here are some tips to help you get started with dropshipping
on a $50 budget:

a niche with low competition and high demand: This will help you stand out in
the market and increase your chances of making sales. Look for products that
are not widely available in your target market and have a high search volume.

free eCommerce platforms: You can use free eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce
or WordPress to create a website for your store. These platforms offer free
themes and plugins that you can use to customize your store and add

free tools for product research and sourcing: Tools like Google Trends, Google
Keyword Planner, and AliExpress can help you find profitable products and
suppliers. You can also leverage free trials of paid tools like Jungle Scout to
get more data on the best products to sell.

on organic marketing: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and
Pinterest can help you reach potential customers for free. You can create
engaging content, join relevant groups, and use hashtags to increase your

your store for conversion: Make sure your website is easy to navigate, loads
quickly, and has clear product descriptions and high-quality images. You can
use free tools like Google Analytics to track your website's performance and
identify areas for improvement.

summary, it's possible to start a dropshipping business with $50, but you will
need to be strategic in how you invest your money. Focus on finding a
profitable niche, using free eCommerce platforms and tools, and leveraging
organic marketing to drive traffic and sales to your store.

Is AliExpress free
for dropshipping?

is a platform that allows businesses to source products for dropshipping, but
it is not completely free. While there is no fee to sign up for an AliExpress
account or to access their product listings, you will need to pay for the
products you order and for any shipping costs associated with those orders.

dropshipping with AliExpress, you will typically pay the wholesale price for
the product you are selling, and then set your own retail price to make a
profit. The difference between the wholesale price and the retail price is your
profit margin.

important to note that the quality of products on AliExpress can vary widely,
and it's important to do your research and read reviews before sourcing
products from a supplier. Additionally, some suppliers may charge a fee for
dropshipping services or for using their product images and descriptions on
your website.

Is dropshipping 100%

dropshipping is legal in most countries, including the United States, Canada,
Australia, and the United Kingdom. Dropshipping is simply a fulfillment method
that allows businesses to sell products without holding inventory. The supplier
ships the products directly to the customer, eliminating the need for the
retailer to handle and store the products.

it's important to note that there are some legal requirements that dropshippers
must comply with. For example, dropshippers must comply with consumer
protection laws and regulations, such as providing accurate product descriptions
and fulfilling orders in a timely manner. Dropshippers must also comply with
tax laws and regulations, such as collecting and remitting sales tax in the
jurisdictions where they have a tax obligation.

it's important for dropshippers to ensure that they have the legal right to
sell the products they are offering. This means that they should source
products from reputable suppliers who have the legal right to sell the products
and have obtained any necessary licenses or certifications.

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