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The laziest and easiest way to make 2.5 million dollars or more every single day in GTA 5 online it's the holidays. In this article, you guys have the easiest ways to make money and not have to worry about grinding up this game while on break. 

How to make money in gta 5 online

This method is going to take advantage of the two best passive income businesses in the game the nightclub and the acid lab what's great about this method right now is the acid lab is currently on double money until December 29th.

The first thing we're going to set up is the acid lab and what you're going to need is of course the acid lab you're going to do the six first dose missions and the setup Mission. 

You also have to do 10 full-living missions to have the equipment upgrade once we've done that we're gonna go to the acid lab and we're going to activate the production boost. Once we've done that we're then going to buy supplies for a month, using our interaction menu to set our spawn location to the nightclub.

We're gonna go and teleport to it by going into another invite-only session now it's time to set up our nightclub. Now my nightclub has already produced quite a bit of good so don't really pay attention to the number.

I have imagine we have zero what you're going to want to do is a couple things we're going to be earning money passively through our nightclub.

With our technicians sourcing us product the five businesses you're gonna need to send them to is Cargo and shipments, pharmaceutical research ,cash creation ,sporting goods and then South American Imports.

You'll need to own a hanger or a cargo crate.Warehouse ,a blue stuff lab ,a white stuff lockup, a cash Factory and then a bunker. To assign those to them with those five assigned you're going to be earning over fifty thousand dollars every single hour with the nightclub.

It's completely passive and now that we got that done we're going to take care of our popularity.If your popularity is maxed out ,you will earn fifty thousand dollars every single in-game day which is 40 minutes.

The easiest way to do that is to go into your nightclub basement ,go over to the computer and I'll explain why we're doing this in a second. Go over to resident DJ and just rebook one of the DJs. It's going to cost 10 000 each time but it's going to bump up your popularity by half a bar.

If I remember correctly so you may have to do that once or twice to get the popularity completely full and then we are good to go once we have done.

We're not going to head back up to the upper portion of our nightclub and we're gonna go AFK and this is why this is so simple literally. All we're doing in this video is resupplying cell missions and that's it you probably have about an hours of work put into all of it.

Now we're gonna head over here go to our couch  and then we're gonna go to press to watch DJ this is going to be the way that we go AFK if you go into the scene here you're completely AFK (which means you could step away from your game for hours) and Rockstar will not kick you out.

 But in the meantime the product in your acid lab is going to accrue and then the product with the nightclub is going to cruise well plus you will continue to earn money with the wall safe in the nightclub.

Now that we are AFK, put a timer on your phone for about an hour and thirty minutes or an hour and forty-five minutes, whichever you prefer, whatever works best for your schedule. Once you've done that, you're going to come back into your game, exit out of being AFK, and then we're going to go down to the basement of the nightclub. At this point, you probably should have earned around a hundred thousand dollars.

 As your nightclub popularity goes down, you're going to earn less every day, so it goes from like 50k to 45k to 40k and so on. It's going to be about a hundred thousand dollars that you've earned. 

All we're going to do now is go back downstairs, go to the tutor, and then we're going to restock our popularity because we want to make sure that this is maxed out at all times. Once we've done that, we're going to head over to the freakshop. Once again, use your interaction menu and just go into an invite-only session so you can teleport over there. 

So, once we load in, we're going to head over to our acid lab. All we're doing is just checking out, making sure everything's on course. So, we want to make sure that just our supplies are going, and then we also have the right amount of stock. 

At this point, we should have around like close to that 400,000 range because we had that speed boost or that production boost. So, all you're going to do now is go over to mutt purchase supplies again, and then we're going to teleport back to our nightclub. 

Once we get to the nightclub, we're then gonna go sit back down in our chair and go AFK again, and this time we're gonna go AFK for about two hours.

After being AFK for about two hours, we're going to exit back out of the screen. We're then gonna go and collect the money from our wall safe because there's a 250,000 max of the wall safe, so we don't want to hit that and stop making money. 

Take the money out and then we're gonna go back downstairs, switch out the DJs once again to bring our popularity back up to full, and then we're going to go over to our freak shop because this is going to be the first sell mission. 

So, about four hours have gone by and that's about as long as it takes for the acid lab to fully be stocked up. So, we're gonna go to the freak shop, drive outer acid lab, restock our supplies, and then make sure that we're in a public lobby with at least 20 to 25 people. That's because when we sell in a public lobby with 20-25 people, we're going to earn the high demand bonus, which can max out at 50 percent. 

So, even though our stock is in like this mid-600,000 range, we're gonna end up getting about a million dollars from the sale. 

Now, unfortunately, the first time I did the sale, my game crashed, so I lost like five ten thousand dollars worth of stock. That's what you're seeing here. But you're gonna go and do the sell mission with a full public lobby.

Now, the ways that you could get around being griefed is one, use ghost organization. That's gonna take you off the radar for three minutes. And then, also call up Lester and get off the radar for an extra minute. And hopefully, in that time, people have forgotten about you or just left you alone. Hopefully, you don't have griefers. With that being said, you're then going to

I also suggest selling in a public lobby with 20 or more people as well because you get a one percent bonus for each player so in this case I sold my stock for over 1.1 million but if you were gonna sell it 400 000 that's fine in total in that day you would have made about eight hundred thousand dollars from the nightclub. 

So,Two million dollars from the acid lab so we're getting close to three million dollars every single day and that's assuming you only do this process twice realistically. You could do it three times in a day a 12 hour and block once in the morning.

Once at the middle of the day once at night pretty simple to do but for this case I'm gonna say we only do it twice so that it's a little amount of effort as possible .

With that being said you could see my final sale Mission was 1.5 million for the nightclub which is incredible but I hope this helps .

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