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ChatGPT and Mid-Journey are two powerful AI software
programs that can be used to make money online. In this blog post, we will
explore some of the easiest ways to utilize these tools to generate income.

The Rise of AI in the Online World

Rise of AI in the Online World

Finally made over a hundred thousand dollars online .and what I want to do in this article you will get some of the easiest ways to make money online with AI software . Now if you've been living under a rock you probably know that AI software is blowing up like chat GPT,mid-journey, Dal-e, and other online AI softwares.

People have been making money online with these particular softwares. Now right
now! is one of the best times to actually get into it.Try and make some money
with this because it's trending right now and there's so many little pockets
online that you could jump into to make money.

Before they get saturated, you will want to read this
article to the end and I will show you some of the best ones and take you
through step by step.

How you can actually do this with some examples as well .
I've been making money online for a long time and haven't seen an opportunity
like this for years. This is one of those things that you are going to want to
dive into or at least have a look at. This is to see,if you could potentially
make money with these methods so let's begin.

 I'll show you how to make money online with AI.So the
first thing you want to do for this first way to make money with AI software
online is you want to head to a website called and on
mid-journey you're going to join up and you're going to actually get access to
a AI bot in Discord.

Creating Professional Images with Ease

Creating Professional Images with Chatgpt AI

That can create AI art for you and we can use this to make
money with AI software. Now this is one of my favorite ways and lots of people
are making money doing this. What you can actually do is you can go ahead and
create these images and you can go over to a website called and
on you can create things like canvases, mugs t-shirts ,all
sorts of things with AI art on it.

For example we have these shark underwater canvases here where I've actually done a command for it you can see that this is a great white shark in the ocean it looks very real and you can't really tell the difference it's insane.

You could potentially use this to go and sell canvases online like you see right here. These shark canvases,it sells for 49$ this is a nice one right here that one down the bottom right here actually looks very similar to the one.

I've created right here now if we go and actually look at this so this is a one with space so NASA and I went ahead and took a look at this particular store.

You can see the store right here they've got over 2000$ in sales you can see what type of stuff they're selling. I actually used a software called Allura and it tells me an estimation of how much they have earned.

It's around about a hundred and fourteen thousand dollars by selling these types of canvases and that you can go and create an AI software like mid Journey Through the Discord and you can actually see here that there's lots of other ones.

I could use like this one here that that just looks insane and it really just depends on the like prompts that you put in so if you put like basic information information you're going to get basic images.

 If you put in a bit more detail you'll get better images. This one looks amazing this is hot lava on a beach running down a Snow Mountain ,so this is the prompt molten lava flow down Icelandic black sand beaches and this one looks really good. 

This is one of the ways you can go ahead and make money with AI software is by going and creating AI art and then selling it on for a profit.

As a canvas mug t-shirt or literally anything ,the other way you can make money online with AI software is you can go ahead and you can write ebooks for people using an AI bot called chat GPT so if we go ahead and look at this and you go to open

You can go and click on try chat GPT and we'll take you to a software where you can actually use it to write things for you so if we go to and I put in right book you can go and sell ebooks online for people. 

Writing Engaging EBOOK for a Variety of Platforms

Writing Engaging EBOOK for a Variety of Platforms

People will pay you to write an ebook and all I did is I've done some examples of this. I went into chat GPT and to make money on chat GPT all I've done is created a 3000-word ebook so I said 

The Prompt: Write a 3000-word ebook on how to start affiliate marketing.

 Now keep in mind three thousand words is very small for an ebook they can go up to 10 000 words even more but I wanted to do this.

This AI wrote me a pretty decent ebook covering the basics of affiliate marketing that I could potentially sell online to someone on fiverr. com, so I would recommend you go and put up a gig on

Selling ebooks , because it's a really easy thing to go and get a chatbot like chat GPT to go ahead and create obviously you would need to edit it and make it sound a little bit better.

 If it doesn't sound very good but most of the time it actually comes out really really good and you're not really selling them for a lot of money on Fiverr unless you're like this guy selling it for 1300$.

 You would need to actually make sure it's pretty good but most of the people are just selling it for like a hundred dollars /six dollars /fifty dollars/ sixteen dollars .So you don't have to put in a huge amount of time on some of these ebooks now .

High-Conversion Copywriting for Boosted Sales on Fiverr

High-Conversion Copywriting for Boosted Sales on Fiverr

Another way and this is also on they've added a new section called AI services so this is brand new you can go ahead and sell here. Now a lot of people have been saying you can't actually sell AI ads you're not allowed to do it if you have a subscription with the mid-journey You have the rights to the images you can read them in their terms and services. (KEEP IN MIND)

Once you have the subscription;

 You can do whatever you like with those images and what happens is it creates these images just for you because. In this private messaging app with the bot, No one else can see them these are created just for me to use so you can go ahead, and what you can do is you can go and put a gig up on

You can get people to send you their prompts so they will send you the prompt. The Prompt is what you put into mid-journey to get the image now, because those people have given you the prompt there's not a lot of work you really have to do. They will give you the prompt you put into my journey and it will spit out the image now you might need to do a little bit of playing around with its different variations. 

Maybe do it a few times to get a really good-looking image but most of the time you're going to get a really good image you can send back to the person that's just paid you for that image. This is a super easy way to make money with AI.

Because it's so simple the people that are hiring you to do the service essentially do everything for you you just go ahead and use the software to spit out the image.

Sales Copywriting with Chat GPT

Sales Copywriting with Chat GPT

Another awesome way to make money with chat GPT online and other AI software are to go ahead and do sales copy now. I've used an example in this video and that is a real estate property description and to my surprise. It actually came out really good.

 So what I did is I asked chat GPT to write a real estate description of a 200 square meter four-bedroom house with open plan living and marble kitchen bench tops now you're going to want to put in something much more specific. 

So obviously what's going to happen is you're going to get a real estate agent and they're going to say Prompt "Hey can you create me a description and you can go ahead". Do it with an AI button they'll give you a description of the house and everything you go ahead and put it into chat GPT you make a few edits.

Putting in more information in that and what I did is I got this here so this stunning 200 square meter bedroom with four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a house that boasts a modern open plan living area with a spacious and the main living area is perfectly entertaining.

 Some additional features include large windows that let in an Ambience of natural light, the beautiful marble kitchen bench top adds a touch of luxury.

 I also did is I asked it to make it a little bit longer,so I can kind of chop and change and do what I like and then send it off to the client.

 This is a really easy one to do and you can do this with other things as well Title

"I would deliver High conversion copywriting to boost your sales",

" I will write perfect sales copy that sells instantly"

 I will write engaging um sales copy"

" I will write a high-converting ebook description you can do Shopify descriptions"

You can do all sorts of stuff with chat GPT when it comes to sales copy descriptions and things like that now another really simple way to use chat GPT is to go ahead and do advert copy.

Creating Effective Facebook Ads

I mean is like Facebook ads because it's so easy for this to create these types of ads now the thing about when people are doing advertising like me is tough. I do advertising by this method, we test hundreds of different variations. I actually use chat GPT for myself to create Facebook ads because what I need to do is I need to go ahead. 

I then create like 20 different ad types and one or two of them are going to really work extremely well for me, but to do that at the scale I need to use something like chat GPT.

So people actually go out and they pay you to make ad copy for them or sales copy as we call it okay. I've got an example here and I told chat GPT to 

Prompt"write a 300-word Facebook advert about my online store that sells donuts"

 Keeping in mind these are just for the example of this article(specifically) you sometimes might need to put in more prompts. Sometimes you might need to make it more basic and more advanced and it's really going to be up to you in your testing.

 It actually did a pretty good job now in my niche and I would probably make this a lot shorter for a Facebook ad.

Why not makes it something maybe a hundred words or 200 words this gives you a general idea of the type of content that chat GPT is going to spit out when you ask it to do a Facebook advert copy.

Making Money by Writing + Free Image Generation

 One more income stream from making a living online is you can make money with GPT and this article is mainly about GPT plus mid-journey. You can actually go ahead and ask it to create video scripts. 

There is a huge amount of people who want video scripts and the reason is YouTube is blowing up right now, the reason is that most people that do YouTube channels need a script to do the video.

 It's some it's really hard, the top of my head but a lot of people can't do videos unless they have a script in front of them and that's perfectly fine the good thing about that is , that you can make money by selling video scripts.

 I have actually tested it myself alright guys so those are some simple ways you can go and make money online with AI software.

Encouragement to Explore AI Software for Online Earnings

With AI software like ChatGPT, you can easily make money online by providing services such as creating images, sales copy, and video scripts. To create images, you can simply use the software to output high-quality images for clients who have paid for your service. 

Another great opportunity is to use ChatGPT for writing sales copy. Whether it's for real estate property descriptions or creating high-conversion sales copy for boosting sales, ChatGPT can help you deliver top-notch content for your clients. 

You can also use the software to write Facebook ad copy, which is a great way to generate income. By testing multiple variations of ad copy, you can help clients identify the most effective copy for their advertising campaigns. Additionally, you can use ChatGPT to create video scripts for YouTube channels, which are in high demand. 

With its ability to write compelling video scripts, you can provide a valuable service to clients who need help creating content for their channels. These are just a few of the many ways you can make money online with AI software like ChatGPT, so don't hesitate to start exploring the potential of this tool."